Technical consulting services
Electrical Studies
Optimize payroll costs for your company without incurring fixed costs in low sales periods
Don't miss out on business opportunities just because you don't have the specialized team you need at the right moment
Expand your company's portfolio according to market needs with an ideal partner
Adapt the workforce to your growing business needs
Load-Flow studies
Short Circuit analysis
Protective device coordination
Power system dynamics and Stability
Grid connection studies
Power quality & Reactive power analysis
Electrical design calculations
Markets & Regulation
Business Strategy

Technical consulting services
Commercial outsourcing services

Increase your company's growth by controlling sales payroll costs
Enhance and boost your company's commercial performance taking advantage of our industry networking
Get support in your deals with the help of our specialized team

Regulatory and Market Feasibility Studies
Regulatory Concepts
Price Forecasting Studies
Business Due Diligence
Studies for Public Policy and Multilateral Banking
Economic and Financial Evaluation for Energy Projects
Electricity and Gas Tariff Analysis
eMobility and DERs strategy
Advanced Metering Infraestructure - AMI
EVs Demand Forecast, stress test of network impacts
Power Quality Impacts
Infrastructure Optimization

Business Models for Energy Services in Utilities (Solar, Evs, Batteries, Flexible Demand)
Advisory on commercial strategy and product development
Financial structuring of generation projects
Smart Cities
Commercial outsourcing services
EV sales platform for car dealers
Services and equipment in electromobility projects
Installation services for B2B and
B2C customers
Specialized software for energy and gas utilities
Tailor-made data software for specific industrial applications
Energy audits
Services and equipment in energy efficiency proyects
Renewable Energy
Projects in development, RTB or COD stage
Services and equipment in solar Projects
Software services
Energy Efficiency